Wednesday 3 March 2010

Tips and Tricks for transfer into your new home

I have changed many times during my years and have some valuable tips and techniques that I like to win for my clients.

When he performed for the first home buyer time to conclude the deal, have many times, are also on what happens next, what to do and how to overcome.

Entering into a new home can be a very confusing time for owners of new houses. Often the new owners will move to the immediate tasks of the hand and leave or no, the importance ofsmall details.

Everyone is different and their priorities tend to focus on what they believe to be important. The finer details of a move and some of the tasks of moving from one house to another, often hidden on owners of new houses and a transition must then be stressful, tedious affair.

In this sense, I ask my clients is a brief list of items needed can not think of how he prepared for his new home. Ithis information as a service to all customers at home and welcome further insights and suggestions that others have used to make the transition from one home to another easy, stress free and make the experience as pleasant as possible.

When I think about moving, I have a piece of installation and 2 levels: list of physical objects, I'll need to purchase or for the move, and a to-do list.

These lists give me an exact measurement of the left side, which tasks aredays has reached before the transition and helps me to remember the elements of importance.

Here is a list of some of the physical elements necessary for a move:


You can never too many fields. You can use from a furniture store delivery, which is located behind the shops, or some engines will also provide a number of areas. They are of different sizes and types of boxes for the move: boxes small, medium and large equipment must cupboard (which has a goat, so that you can hangClothes), etc. I also use boxes of different types of materials: cardboard and plastic as an example.


Newspaper, bubble wrap, paper towels, etc. can be crushed, fragile objects of impact, if it moves to protect. Bubble wrap, I ask for the items more subtle, such as Fine China, artwork and other trinkets fragile to use. Towels that I use as a box of Stuffer. Towels are provided within the walls of the fields in a position of fragile items, like dishes on a pillowEffects.

Packaging and labeling tape and distributors

It's always a good idea to seal the boxes. Locking the doors of the box is not sufficient to lock the box and can open during the transfer. I usually close the doors, and then tape the seams on the box even better guaranteed.

For tape marking I use the blue painters tape or a white ribbon. I put a strip of tape on all or canned or packaged and then select the space where it belongs.

Twineor rope

I use this material for several reasons: the edges of the field that are canceled and I can always tie a rope to secure the books in one easy to move. Books in boxes can be very difficult, and often times have to break the crates, or too difficult for transit. Book binding rope at all, even small children can take a stack and place it in a vehicle. It also saves the shoulders trying to lift a box full of books!

Movers Wrap

Wrap Movers is a great role, as saran wrapMaterial. I use it for furniture, televisions and other large objects that do not fall into a container or wrap extra protection. It allows me to add an impact on the protection of the elements.

Example: I have a small wooden table, where I rolled towel around the edges then wrap the table with the engine head. This provides additional padding for the table, which reduces the possibility of scratching or broken during the move.

Extra light bulbs

I'll take a few extraBulbs in case they are needed. Do not forget a flashlight on hand with her, too!

New Locks

For reasons of safety and security, to change the locks of the house (front, rear and side doors), before it is day or the day of the move. You never know who has the keys to their new home.

You can add additional items to the list physical. Customize the list will meet your needs, so you can spot all the elements necessary for your move have.

To-do list

Myto list all the tasks will be required not to be achieved before, during and after the move. This list includes:

Movers / Truck Rental

Some have moved, I had my friends and relatives, with the movement. The other company that I stopped moving. In any case, it is important to ensure that all persons and vehicles needed for the right day of the planned movement.

Some years ago, I took what I thought was a company of professionals on the move (a company very famous)for my move to a new home. The day before the move I had not heard from the company and called to make sure everything was in order. They told me that they had planned my move for the next week! I was furious! I had previously checked before the date of the company 2 weeks! Now I had to hurry to create a new company moving to my real day on the move, as members of the family to see my old house was due to arrive the day after I moved! Needless to say I will never moving companies (orrecommended) and I always confirm the date of the move with the company twice, after my initial contact: 2 weeks ago and again 2 days before the move!


When packing, I always pack in first place in the last out. What I mean is, if you plan to go to an item during or shortly after the move they have in the past in a box or container to be active and readily available, such as when you open the package. Similarly, the objects are on the ground that are not needed rightway.

I always pack a room. I want to place several boxes and packing materials in each room and label the box across the room where it belongs. In the case of personal space, how children are their names in the field. Although many of the same types of spaces such as offices, I report explicitly as well. And do not forget, boxes for storage areas and garages of brand!

I bubble wrap all fragile items, first in a crate. I also have all the electronic bubble wrapProducts to prevent and reduce damage to the item to shock or impact. I try not to mix up in the same field. It is much easier, a room where all the elements and boxes for the rooms are right there and unpack it.

I try to move objects, delicate and fragile. Where possible, move the boxes of fragile items before the big day on the move. If this is not possible, put these items in my car. I know that moving house is in a hurry, and confusion that day, it is best to minimizeFor me, if fragile items are not part of the race.

I put comfort and hygiene products in their own little box, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc. for easy access.

I'm sure that a bag with paper plates, cups and disposable dishes for lunch and dinner, have the day of the move.

Contact addresses

I'm sure I've called the necessary services before the move: Water Company, Electric Company, gas, waste management companies (waste), havethese data readily available on the day of service for all cases. A real estate agent can and should provide these numbers for you.

Although the granting of a new telephone number for the phone company and schedule the installation date as close to the movement a day.

Change of address

Many owners of new houses, often forget or do not know the importance of changing your address with the post. The post is a package that compiles and go with your contribution or the person subjectAt the post office. I always make sure he did arrive, so my bills and correspondence to the new home in time. The last thing I want is to show the accounts for the new home after its expiration date!

Get Cash

Moving day is a day very hectic. The last thing I want is to be done, not enough cash on hand for the engines of a roll, buying drinks, lunch, dinner, etc.

Moving Day

Now that I prepare for moving day, I am ready and eagerevents for the day. If you're like me, you are excited about your new life in your new home to start.

O before (if possible) moving day, go to their house and place new signs at the entrance of each room. The characters are the descriptions of rooms (to match the field descriptions) so that a rising star capable of appropriate fields and objects in their assigned spaces instead. Children's rooms have a sign with their name on it, living room, dining room, etc. What I want to use a room,not immediately obvious. That allows me to make the process much easier because of the climbers, the question of where to draw the contact elements.

Next day is moving, I'm on my game. All elements of the old house are packed and labeled and ready for the engines, all fragile items in personal vehicles being loaded or have already moved to its new home. I left the engines do their thing and load the truck. Most engines have a professional system for the packaging of their trucks so I letto do what I hired to do. Many consider reliable engines and ensure that sensitive or fragile items such as televisions, etc. are packed and are adequately protected.

For lunch and dinner I have is to provide something easy and do not forget the drinks. I will always be a few bottles of water and sports drinks to get everyone involved to keep hydrated.

Even if I had a check before closing, when I come home again, I check and verify that everything works than anything else. Ior someone to give me around the house and turn all the lights, use the garage door, run the sprinklers (after the dismissal of the engines, and there is nothing outside on the lawn to the left), run the dishwasher , dryer and washing machine and check the pool or spa pump. If there is a problem, now is the time that I want to find it.

Also, I intend to acclimate to the house and me, all the different wall switches. Some used the parameter can not self-evident. If there is to assign parametersI put blue painters tape (do not leave traces and is) easy to remove and elect to use the option to become familiar with its use.

If you're like me, have pets. I keep Put your pets in the garden during the move, and while the engines are there. I'll get the animals to get accustomed to their new yard and chew them a bit 'too much water and treated for his availability. Once the engines have left, I left the animals in the house and give them time to smell around the house andto acclimatise. Because pets are people too!

After the motion-Day

Now they are all moved in and began to unpack, I have some tips that I hope you learned to clarify for your new home with ease:

Put the red carpet! If you do not already have one think, therefore, a welcome for visitors to your new home. Help your neighbors feel comfortable in welcoming the new neighborhood.

Project activities weekly allowance for household maintenance and general carefor your new home. Assign projects of the family is a good way to motivate children to do homework and give the family some 'time together.

Other suggestions

Here are some practical cleaning tips that I learned about the house:

How to clean a toilet:

Empty a can of Coca-Cola in the bowl and ... That what "real" sit for an hour, then rinse. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous China.

To clean the seal around bathtubs and showers:

Fill aTrigger spray bottle with vodka, sealing the spray lets you set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.


Moving to a new house if they can be properly organized before hand is a great day for all involved. Preparing for the creation of lists for the move, marking objects and the rooms where they belong, to support workers and the change is much easier. Often, you can also save time for commercialmovers.

There are many other events and activities that may occur before moving. Creating a list will help to minimize the tasks and the elements, the need for a transition into a new home to be filled.

Oh, and do not forget ... You have the right to paint the walls to hang pictures and shelves, and new carpets or other floor coverings.

After all ... It's Your Home Now!

Water Toys RoomBa


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